Step 2: Finding adversarial examples

We will now define adversarial examples more rigorously . Let’s take a model F with parameters theta, which has been trained correctly. The model can thus correctly assign the sample x to its label y:

Good adversarial examples are essential to increasing the robustness of the system, as we will further explore in the following session. In order to find adversarial examples, we will have to solve this maximisation problem. This is still an open issue in research, and actively under study. We will focus here on two standard algorithms in the literature: Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) and Projected Gradient Descent(PGD). These methods frame the issue of finding adversarial examples as a min-max game, where:

There are different methods that have been proposed to maximise the loss:

You can find a practical example of how to apply PGD in our notebook, which can be visualized here, or downloaded as the following file:

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